Send to Story

The Send to Story action allows you to send data to a sub-story where it can be further processed.

Sub-stories are special stories in Tines that can be used to perform a common action or set of actions. Use the Send to Story action to send data to an 'analyze URL' sub-story or a 'deprovision user' sub-story.


  • Send event data to sub-stories where it can be processed.

Configuration Options 

  • story: Provide the ID of the story to which data should be sent. Use the STORY formulas expression (<<STORY.story_name>>) to easily refer to your story of choice.

  • payload: Provide data that should be sent to the sub_story. Include information from upstream events by specifying a wrapped JSONPath.

  • send_payload_as_body: (Optional) True by default. When set to false, the payload emitted by the action is not nested under a body key.

Emitted Events 

Events emitted by the Send to Story action will contain information returned by the sub-story's exit action.

Example Configuration Options 

Send a single URL to a sub-story to analysis.

  "story": "<<STORY.analyze_url>>",
  "payload": {
    "url": ""

When resolving the story name the system first looks in the current team, then for any stories that are globally enabled for Send to Story.

Send the same URL for analysis, but this time use the ID of the story.

  "story": 7,
  "payload": {
    "url": ""
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